03.21.08 - Good Friday

with our cousins and titos & titas, with Grampy Grammy and Mamacita

03.20.09 - Black is the new Black

my new 500gig WD myBook..
now i have about 1TB of external storage..
I'm still a believer and practitioner of burning DVD's as backup,
but sometimes I just dont have the time to do so.. 
so in the meantime these drives act as repositories for my work (downloads.. etc. )

03.19.08 - From last Sat's Wedding

as backup photographer to NELWIN UY

03.19.08 - Sleeping dogs are liars

03.19.08 - Plastic Ice Cubes

plastic ice cubes in my iced coffee at home...

03.17.08 - Coffee @ UP & BF

early Smart Parenting shoot at UP sunken garden.. 
psssed by Kopi Roti after libis, sarap the buns
I ran to keep up with our models, i got tired, shoot was over in 20mins.. 

with Aids at Perk