01.25.08 - Shoot Venue

some patches of blue sky over the lake..

01.25.08 - Still Christmas!

it's still Christmas at the Starbucks at the Shell along SLEX! Red cups!
6:30 AM before heading to our shoot out of town

01.20.08 - Yummy

Yummy Jan/Feb 2008
Pan-Fried Tuna Steak with Strawberry Tarragon Relish
by: Jun Jun De Guzman
styled by: Shar Tan

while posting this i was channel surfing and came across some cooking shows,
one on travel&living and another on 2ndAvenue..
why do the cameramen always take the chefs making their food as if it were a scene
out of Saving Private Ryan?
as much as the food looked good i wanted to vomit coz i was getting dizzy
jeeez.. slow down and let me see them actually cooking their dishes..