01.04.07 - Parking

A fellow photographer and I noticed how forum photogs would spend spend and
talk talk so much about gear ('gears' to be precise) and comparing equipment,
they talk as if they know they have memorized a handbook on how to be a photographist.
..when all they are doing actually is playing make-believe.
Its one thing to want to learn the craft, want to learn how to take good photos etc,
but its another thing to be a know-it-all, its another thing to want to have praise from
newbies. It seems that there's always someone in forums that needs that reassurance
that he/she is good; "look at me, give me praise, i am all knowing"
i remember when some of the early photo forums were really about learning from
each other, sharing what he/she knows, giving insight etc.
Now its, 'hey iv held the newest camera, i can say that the megapixel ratio to pixel
density of 14bit is as fast as the af servo.. blah blah blah'
Take the Canon1dsMark3(21megapixels 8k$) and the NikonD3 (12megpxels 5K$),
i would love to have any of those cams but for my shoots, its just overkill and unnecessary.
My 8megapixel and 10megapixel backup at a fraction of the cost serves its purpose.
But trust me there are people out there getting those mark3's and d3's for nothing more
than posting anything that will gain attention on forums or on flickr.
One example i remember is one guy talking about the new 14bit feature on the D3.. wow..
all that for a little web resized pic..
probably blown up to nothing larger than an 8R at digiprint.
All that talk, all that expensive gear for nothing more than a little bit of reassurance from someone who knows a little less than you that says "yes.. you are good"
I probably am just jealous of those people who can afford to buy top of the line equipment they dont need or use and dont need to get paid for their shoots...
but i am proud i use a camera to make creative images, and not playing make-believe.
Basta, im all for the craft, im all for people getting into photography, the more
the merrier.. the more people will have respect for us "manong photographers" taking
group pics etc.. get the craft, dont get the crap.
01.03.08 - Sbucks Shang

my pbase coffee a day gallery has now been updated:
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