02.09.08 - Recovery

my face has swelled up on one side, my throat hurts a bit more than where my wisdom tooth used to be..
im hopped up on meds and i cant eat anything solid..
and u know wat kind of food is solid?
the good kind!
im hungry..

02.08.08 - Part of me taken away

this was the rubber glove that Tita Daisy put ice in after my dental surgery..
i had it slapped on my face on my way home..
the smart part of me was taken out, my wisdom tooth..

02.07.08 - Painful Shoots

I had 2 shoots today at Summit studio, one for Candy and another for Special Pub..
all while my jaw was hurting like hell from my impacted wisdom tooth..
sobrang sakit..

02.06.08 - Figaro, Shang

i needed to plug my macbook somewhere.. Sbucks was full..

02.06.08 - Photip#2

Photip#2 : Clamps
always have a set of these handy..
you will never know when and where you can use them.. but eventually, more often than not.. you will use 'em..

in this example the little clamp came in handy at a food shoot where I needed the fork to consistently be in the same place in the frame..
(i used the umbrella as a maskeshift arm..)

02.03.08 - 24hour, free refills and wifi

@ Perk Avenue again..
Iced coffee is refillable.. wifi is free and its open 24hours on weekend
AND.. its around the corner from my haus..