02.15.08 - Sweet Shoot

coffee at the start of the shoot with a breakfast sausage roll thing..

coffee toward the end of the shoot with strawberry cake!
Sugar Sugar shoot nga!

02.14.08 - Valentine's @ Edsa Shang

my mom decorated the Isla ballroom of Edsa Shang for their valentine's day event..
we all spent v-day's dinner here..

02.14.08 - Happy Valentine's Day Ga!

for ga.. wish u were here..

02.13.08 - Tsinelaianas

Little giveaway from the press conference of the Nestea Beach Volleyball '08
held at Chicken Bacolod in Greenhills..
sayang i couldnt eat anything from their buffet..

afterwards i went into the mall to eat some nido soup and soft dumplings..
im moving toward semi-soft food..

02.11.08 - Spring Cleaning

while sick and stuck at home:
updated album art for my itunes/ipod..
archived files..
organized files..
put labels on my equipment..
felt pain..
took meds..

02.10.08 - Food for thought

"we don't get a lot of good quotes like this anymore..."
- patrick martires